Gibbs Reflective Cycle Reference 1998: A Comprehensive Guide
Graham Gibbs in 1998 developed this reflective cycle to build a learning structure. This framework has a cyclic nature, enabling you to plan things for your teaching and learning. The procedure of Gibbs cycle of reflection has six stages: Description about the experience. Feelings on the experience. Evaluation of the experience. Analysis of the experience. Conclusion of the process. Action plan for future projects. The reflective cycle is a seminal theory in reflective practice. It has been tried and tested over and over across reputable institutes including Oxford and other well-known universities. A Reflective Practice for Education Units The main purpose of Gibbs reflective cycle reference is to improve management of educational practices when it comes to learning and teaching both. Let’s have a look at the six stages in detail for quality academic writing . Description Here you describe in detail the entire situation. What happened; where, when, ...